Saturday, December 28, 2019
What I Wish I Had Known When I Started My First Job
What I Wish I Had Known When I Started My First JobWhat I Wish I Had Known When I Started My First JobIn the summer of 2006, I was able to score my first job working in retail at the mall. I was so excited to be hired as a part-time salesperson at one of my favorite clothing stores. But if I could go back in time, there are a few things I would advise my former self to do differently. Make the most out of the opportunity At 16 I was just happy to have a job at the mall. I wasnt thinking about how my retail job could add to my skill set. I didnt really care how my manager could be a future reference. I definitely got the job done when I went to work and even exceeded sales goals, but I still could have made more of my opportunity. I could haveobserved my manager more and soaked up how she motivated our sales team. Another thing that I would have done is reflect on everything that I was learning and kept a record of it. This would have been extremely helpful when I was drafting my firs t resume my senior year of high school. Learn how to take constructive criticism When I started my job it was also hard for me to take constructive criticism. One day I reorganized our jeans closet and thought I did a great job. When my manager inspected it she pointed out ways to make it more efficient. I remember feeling a little dejected when she gave me feedback on the closet. Looking back, my 16-year-old self was really sensitive to any kind of feedback on my work. If I could have a do-over, I wouldnt have taken it personally and would have welcomed my managers comments as a way to be betterSave some of your paycheck When I received my first paycheck I remember blowing it all on clothes I didnt need and Taco Bell. While I think it was a good idea to treat myself, I shouldnt have gone overboard. When I moved out of my parents house for college I spent the first few months regretting all of the money I spent on unnecessary things in high school. Now I have a target amount that I save from each paycheck and immediately put it into my savings account. It keeps me from making impulse purchases, and it gives me peace of mind that I have money saved up if something was to happen. Manage my time wisely I landed my first job at the beginning of summer, so I didnt have a lot of school work to worry about. Even though I wasnt in school I played softball on a competitive travel team and had to read two books for an AP English class by the start of the school year in August. I spent the last weekend before the first day of school trying to finish a 300-page book. What I learned from that summer is that I should have focused priorities and broke up large projects into smaller tasks.
Monday, December 23, 2019
5 Changes You Should Make Today if You Want to Be More Successful This Year
5 Changes You Should Make Today if You Want to Be More Successful This Year5 Changes You Should Make Today if You Want to Be More Successful This YearIts your first day back at work after a vacation. Poor you Its also a Monday, which makes it even worse. If the coffee maker broke, it would not come as a surprise. You stumble into your first meeting, slump in your chair, and wish lunch would come faster. Thats no way to go about your day. Heres a better approach.1. Be Intentional About MentoringSomething happens to you when you mentor someone. Ive written about this before, and it should be something thats already on your radar. There are two things I learned about mentoring in 2015. One is that you and the mentor must be totally committed to the process. Its a waste of time otherwise. The second is that mentoring teaches you as much as it teaches the part being mentored. Thats because, when you give away what you have learned, it becomes a living and breathing thing. It takes physica l form. Passing on what you know is one of the most rewarding things you will ever do. It will make your year.2. View Overachieving as a Way to Help OthersThis is a brand-new concept to me and one Im still grappling with. When you achieve great success, think about how that impacts others. Ive heard it said that the most gratifying thing about starting a company is that it helps others, sometimes just in the form of a paycheck or a regular place to work. Being wildly successful spreads the success around. Other people benefit. Its more than just contagious, its downright philanthropic. When you achieve great success, it spills over and thats one of the best feelings ever in business.3. Stop Lying to YourselfWant to have a better year? Start fessing up to your own inconsistencies and failures. You cant really change and grow until you admit mistakes. You cant really move past a foible in life until you embrace it, unwrap it, dissect it, and learn from it. Stop reading right now and t ake a quick pause. Whats chaining you down? Anger? Resentment? Bitterness? Admit your faults and you will be on a clear path to overcoming them and finding greater joy this year.4. Forget the PastWe all do something really strange with our regrets. We hold onto them. We think by mulling over that failed business relationship or tragic financial decision that we can somehow resurrect something useful. Have you ever been able to do that? Mulling over failure doesnt help anyone. Take what you can from the mistakes, admit them, but then move on. You will not just have a better year. You will also become a better person in general. Loosen your grip on the past.5. Choose Happiness on a Daily BasisI heard a talk recently just after New Years where someone was about to talk about a serious conflict. He started out by smiling and telling jokes. It seemed a little out of place until I realized he had totally decided to not allow the conflict to impact his attitude. It was as separate from him as a piece of clothing or a watch on your wrist. It was outside of his realm of thought, an experience he had but not something he would let define him. If you want to have a better year, consider becoming an emotional separatist. Be happy because of who you are, not what youve experienced. Be happy because you want that to be what defines you.More From Inc.The Value of Believing in Impossible Things17 Brene Brown Quotes to Inspire You to Success and HappinessThe Science of Social Media SuccessPhoto of employees working together courtesy of Shutterstock.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The source of our dissatisfaction
The surce of our dissatisfactionThe source of our dissatisfactionLudwig Wittgensteinwas a genius like few others. Born into one of the wealthiest families of his time, he donated his fortune and instead went on to become one of the giants of 20th-century philosophy.He was commanding and passionate and, quite often, misunderstood. As his friend Georg Henrik von Wrightrecalledin a conversation about himFollow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreHe once said he felt as though he was writing for people who would think in a different way, breathe a different air of life, from that of present-day men.Given that his primary subject was the philosophy of language, which is notoriously messy and contradictory (in no small part due to Wittgensteins influence), this likely isnt the biggest of surprises.But more so than perhaps other philosophers, as much fascination as critics and historians take in his work, they also find much appeal in how he lived.Beyond growing up wealthy, he was mentored by the great Bertrand Russell, he once stepped away from philosophy to teach in primary schools in Austria, he was an officer on the front lines of the First World War, and he once again left philosophy to help out in the Second World War.There little doubt that these experiences shaped his views on life, too. At 27, for example, when he was fighting in the First World War, he wrote some thoughts in hisnotebookthat partially illuminate his laterbeliefthatlife (and philosophy) wasnt about made-up problems but about living.This is illustrated by one of the most striking passages he ever pennedOnlya man who lives not in time but in the present is happy.For life in the present there is no death.Death is not an event in life.It is not a fact of the world. If byeternity is understood not infinite zeitlich duration but non-temporality, then it can be said thatamanlives eternally if he lives in t he present.The Problem of Indulging StorificationHuman beings are storytellers.We dont see or observe things as they are but we impose a narrative line on the events in our life to add order to them.Like all great stories, our stories, too, have a beginning, a middle, and an end. It createstheillusion that we are living in the temporal duration, as Wittgenstein called it - one that exists in the flow of time.There are theories in both philosophy and in physics thatsuggest thatthis flow of time is a blurring in ourperceptionthat stops us from seeing reality as it is- that time doesnt exist- but we can look to an even simpler line of reasoning to understand Wittgensteins point.Given that we are theomniscientnarrators of life, we trust that the existence of the past and the future is as real as the existence of the present.After all, our imagination allows us to both see the past and envision the future.We can look back on regrets, and we can construct a world in which we are not al ive or happy or successful or fulfilled or (input a different desire here) even thoughboth of these are abstractions that concern us with a made-up internal world with all its problems while ignoring the real, outer world.Any lack of satisfaction we experience in life is born from this predicamentWe are so attached to an imagined inner story about who we are, causing both anxiety and fear, that we forgetthatthe world in front of us isnt at all dictated by this story it simplyis, in both its beauty and its simplicity.The biggest problem, however, is thatthis outer world (that is only truly experienced in the present),while stunning and complete if attention is paid to it, is also - in a way - empty and silent and, sometimes, lonely.What, then, do we do? We create an imaginary friend in our mind to continue telling us the story about this and about that.Think of how often, when by yourself, you are simplytherein a particular moment rather than stuck in a loop of thought dominated by a voice in your head that keeps you company. Its likely not very often.While this voice can bring with it occasional pleasantries, like a treasured memory or a meaningful daydream, most of the time, what it does is make us feel self-conscious and insecure, stressed and fearful.In the present, none of these things exist because none of these things are real.What exists is simply your environment and what it has to offer.And often,what it has to offer is far more important than a false narrative.There is nothing but now, and in that now, there is rarely dissatisfaction.Death as a Means to EternalLifeWhen you think about it, contrary to Wittgensteins reasoning,being truly, utterly present is a form of death.It means that you have tokill the voice that tells the story in your mind- a voice many of us are intimately attachedto.At the saatkorn time, however, Wittgenstein is rightThere is no such thing as real, tangible death that happens in our life and because this death doesnt happen, neither are many of our future anxieties (which are often directly and indirectly influenced by a fear of death)based in any objective realitythere is only the death of the narrator.When you dont live linearly in time, or in non-temporality as Wittgenstein termed it, then there is just a universe of change.This universe doesnt bother drawing artificial boundaries that distinguish between our idea of past and future, nor is it concerned with what we call life and death.It just moves and acts according to processes that govern it, turning from one state to another.This alteration of states is something that we are a part of, and this something can be loosely termed the eternal, as Wittgenstein also referred to it.Unfortunately,until we stop the narration, this eternity passes by us every waking moment without us noticing.Instead of seeing ourselves as a dance of this majestic process, one that isnt defined by made-up problems, we revert into the company of the voice we are too scared to detach ourselves from.But the truth is that the only way to get out of the cycle of dissatisfaction is to firstaccept the death of this voiceand sacrifice its company so that it no longer blocks us from the actual reality.This is, of course, not easy, and for most people,always keeping the voice quiet is a skill that lies beyond feasibility.That said,everyone can do a little more to at least pay attention to the right thingswhen the reminder strikes rather than taking the easy way out.Its been commonly noted in psychology research thathumans report the highest satisfaction when they are completely lost in some activity around them rather than in the imagined struggle that goes on in their mind.When they are in harmony with the universe as it continues to transition, they are able to look beyond the incomplete stories constructed by their mind to fully engage with the real story that is unfolding all around them.Whatis important and eternal is in front of us, but to really connect with it, we need tosacrifice the comfort of our imagination.The TakeawayThe truth be told, this is a taxing way of saying what we have all already heard or realized at one point or anotherWeshould be more present.Do the lives that many of us lead, with our jobs and our daily demands, make this easy? Of coursenot.Modern societies are designed to compromise now for tomorrow, and the choice has already been made for us.Nonetheless, many of us can do more than we currently do - we can make a greater effort tolive in the real worldrather than the narrated onebecause its ultimately the latter that is the cause of the problems that dissatisfy us.Byoccasionally welcoming the death of the voice we so closely associate with, we can,paradoxically, live beyond death, and we can experience the change and the transitioning of the universe as it occurs around us in a way that is striking and meaningful and truly, utterly captivating.Wittgensteins conclusion was that philosophy had spent so much time making up its own problems that it gotdetached from the only problem that truly mattered - the problem of being and living.We, too, are habituated from birth to do this.We make up things in our mind, we add coherence and reason to what we make up, and wethen spend so much time living there that we forget that none of it is grounded on a solid foundation- that we are looking in the wrong direction.Its often beensaidthatwhat we most want we already have.This couldnt be truer when it comes to living in what we think of as the flow of time.We are not here to groe nachfrage from one illusionary problem to another we are here to see, and experience, and love, and trust what is present - right now.This article first appeared on
Friday, December 13, 2019
United States Flag Raising Procedures at Reveille
United States Flag Raising Procedures at ReveilleUnited States Flag Raising Procedures at ReveilleReveille is the signal for the start of the official duty day. Because the time for the start of the duty day varies between bases, the commander designates the specified time for reveille. If the commander desires, a reveille ceremony may accompany the raising of the flag. This ceremony takes place in the vicinity of the base flagstaff and is held after sunrise. In the unit area, reveille is normally held, using the formation of asquadron in line. This formation is used when a reveille ceremony is not held at the base flagstaff. Events Accompanying Flag Raising at the Reveille Ceremony Shortly before the specified time for reveille, troops are marched to a predesignated position near the base flagstaff, halted, faced toward the flagstaff, and dressed. The flag security detail arrives at the flagstaff at this time and remains at attention.The unit commander commands ballabwehr REST.A t the specified time for reveille, the unit commander commands SOUND REVEILLE. The flag detail assumes the position of attention, moves to the flagstaff, and attaches the flag to the halyards.After reveille has been played, the unit commander commands Squadron ATTENTION and Present ARMS and then faces the flagstaff and executes present arms. On this signal, the national anthem or To the Colors is sounded. On the first note of the national anthem or To the Colors, the flag security detail begins to raise the flag briskly. The senior member of the detail holds the flag to keep it from touching the ground.The unit commander holds the salute until the last note of the music is played. Then he or she executes order arms, faces about, and commands Order, ARMS. The troops are then marched back to the dismissal area. Raising the Flag When practical, a detail consisting of an NCO and two junior enlisted hoists the flag. This detail should be armed with sidearms (if the special equipment of the guard includes sidearms). The detail is formed in line with the NCO carrying the flag in the center. The detail is then marched to the flagstaff and halted, and the flag is attached to the halyards. The flag is always raised and lowered from the leeward side of the flagstaff. The two junior enlisted attend the halyards, taking a position facing the staff to hoist the flag without entangling the halyards. The NCO continues to hold the flag until it is hoisted clear of the grasp, taking particular care that no portion of the flag touches the ground. When the flag is clear of the grasp, the NCO comes to attention and executes present arms. On the last note of the music or after the flag has been hoisted to the staff head, all members of the detail execute order arms on command of the senior member. The halyards are then secured to the cleat of the staff or, if appropriate, the flag is lowered to half-staff and the halyard secured. The detail is formed again and marched to the di smissal area. Above information courtesy of United States Air Force.
Monday, December 9, 2019
The Benefits of English Teacher Resume
The Benefits of English Teacher Resume List Relevant Work Experience Schools binnenseeking to hireESLteachers will prefer to find you have some prior knowledge in the education field. Resumes can be quite essential as it will help your employers find out mora about your backgroundthe skills youve got, educational attainments, and previous work experiences. Teachers need in order to address various problems, often below a tight deadline. One of the greatest aspects of teaching English online is the amazing flexibility it offers. Many schools will ask you to make initial email contact. Furthermore, you can learn more on the subject of education careers on Monster. You also have to be ready to supply personal information that isnt typically required in the USA or other nations, including your racial background, your age, and your marital status. The Secret to English Teacher Resume Students like teacher that are innovative. Teachers must, obviously, understand the material th ey teach. In addition, they must be licensed by the state, also known as state certification. Additionally, they may have to work with different learning styles to get the most out of each student. The resume profile is among the essential elements of a good teaching resume. The resume objective is among the most significant paragraphs in a teachers resumeif not the most significant. When writing a resume, it helps to review resume examples that are linked to your occupation. You should be able to spell out the material in terms which are both accessible and meaningful to the students. Things You Wont Like About English Teacher Resume and Things You Will Transportation jobs involve plenty of responsibility and your resume will want to reflect you can manage that. As the very first section the recruitment officer reads, its arguably the most crucial, in many ways. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously provide you an advantage. Writing a resume for employ ment in the species industry can be difficult. Theres no need to list your present employer unless you desire them contacted. Possessing a very clear and professional resume is vital in the medical field. If thats the case, your resume can nevertheless be quantified, and provide the hiring manager a concrete idea of the range of your abilities and abilities. Losing employment could possibly be a traumatic experience. You may use the sample teacher cover letter to acquire more interesting suggestions and ways to create your cover letter different from others. Theres simply no need to write anything thats flowery or difficult to comprehend. As an English language learner, there are a few things you need to do in order to make sure your resume really stands out. As a way to compose a good resume the very first thing youve got to think about is your audience. What You Need to Do About English Teacher Resume Before It Is Too Late With a proper resume made, your probability of getting work in teaching increases. Therefore, youve been unemployed for the previous several months and have to make some money. The very last thing you would like to do is apply for work in education with a subpar resume. A summer months job by way of your grandfather isnt really important to list. It is essential that you stay organized with your resume so that employers dont need to take out a magnify glass to get what they are seeking. Youre going to be surprised to understand that lots of graduates find it impossible to find function on account of the deficiency of work experience. Youre stating what type of job which youre seeking here. Using English Teacher Resume In the description of your work history, you may want to use a few of the keywords. Superfluous words aside, the option of the proper keywords and phrases in the CV is vital, particularly in the summary located on top of the resume. Attempt to list three or more references that you understand well. Your r esume ought to be in a position to showcase your capability to teach in not more than 1 page. The Unexpected Truth About English Teacher Resume Job seekers deserve to discover decent content quickly. Job announcements for which you want to apply. Obviously, each job will call for various abilities and experiences, so make certain you read the work description carefully and concentrate on the skills listed by the employer. Browsing for a new job isnt anyones idea of a great time, but you can allow it to be a lot easier for yourself whether you place additional effort in your curriculum vitae. If you opt to include many positions, as its applicable to the specific teaching job youre applying for, then you could always elaborate on three experiences and just list the rest of the positions. No, but really, there are a number of other amazing techniques to locate a recruiter. Any negative information can prevent you from landing your ideal teaching or other job. What you will see below are some basic strategies to help you produce a winning resume and help you land that ideal job.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The Lost Secret of How to Put Writing Experience on a Resume
The Lost Secret of How to Put Writing Experience on a Resume A great resume format is simple to scan. If youre interested in turning in an application for a particular job, review the post carefully and pay attention to the list of skill requirements. You may find below a list of the greatest skills you may put on your resume based on the sort of job that you are applying for. While the functional resume format may be an attractive solution for job seekers with minimal experience, most employers would rather have a chronological or kreuzung resume format. The Foolproof How to Put Writing Experience on a Resume Strategy You are going to be surrounded by writing professionals throughout the plan of order placement, and the moment you choose to purchase essay and pick an allocated writer, things are likely to get even more exciting. If youve worked as an independent grant writer, list yourself as a freelancer and include the dates that youre freelancing your expert services. M any job applicants struggle to compose the ideal cover letter even in the very best of circumstances. Adhere to the tips above, and youll have a resume that compensates for the absence of knowledge and gets you the interview. The Benefits of How to Put Writing Experience on a Resume You also need to emphasize your focus to detail, research, and communication abilities. Bear in mind, however, that you have skills and individual characteristics and a history of accomplishments beyond the workforce. If youve got little to no work experience, a coursework description can demonstrate you have the wisdom and skills necessary for the job via your education. Even for those who have no true work experience, you might have experience from volunteering, school activities, or relevant hobbies that could show employers achievements and transferable skills that satisfy their requirements. What Is So Fascinating About How to Put Writing Experience on a Resume? In case you have any part-ti me work, that will go a ways towards a fantastic experience section. Thus when writing down your job skills take some time to strategize and find out the ideal approach to organize them in your resume. Just understanding how to compose your resume from beginning to finish is step one. Technically, theres no correct or wrong method to list your experiences. Lies Youve Been Told About How to Put Writing Experience on a Resume First off, you must discover the ideal job offerone that fits with your professional interests and experience level. Entry-level employees, who dont have plenty of on-the-job experience, should incorporate every job possible whilst emphasizing the skills that match the work listing. Now you need to know how to compose a resume with no experience thats compelling and distinctive, ideal for a high school resume or a beginners resume for teens. Bear in mind the people that you will be competing with for the jobs you desire.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Vision vs. Strategy vs. Tactics
Vision vs. Strategy vs. TacticsVision vs. Strategy vs. TacticsVision What you want the organization to be your dream.Strategy What you are going to do to achieve your vorstellung.Tactics How you will achieve your strategy and when. Your vision is your dream of what you want the organization to be. Your strategy is the large-scale plan you will follow to make the dream happen. Your tactics are the specific actions you will take to follow the plan. Start with the vision and work down to the tactics as you plan for your organization. Concepts Are The Same Whether you are planning for the entire company or just for your department the concepts are the same. Only the scale is different. You start with the vision statement (sometimes called a mission statement). When you know what the vision is you can develop a strategy to get you to the vision. When you have decided on a strategy, you can develop tactics to meet the strategy. Vision A vision is an over-riding idea of what the org anization should be. Often it reflects the dream of the founder or leader. Your companys vision could be, for example, to be the largest retailer of automobiles in the US, the maker of the finest chocolate candies in London, or the management consultant of choice for non-profit organizations in the Southwest. A vision must be sufficiently clear and concise that everyone in the organization understands it and can buy into it with passion. Strategy Your strategy is one or more plans that you will use to achieve your vision. To be the largest retailer of automobiles in the US you might have to decide whether it is a better strategy for you to buy other retailers, try to grow a single retailer or a combination of both. A strategy looks inward at the organization, but it also looks outward at the competition and at the environment and business climate. To be the management consultant of choice for non-profit organizations in the Southwest your strategy would need to evaluate what oth er companies offer management consulting services in the Southwest, which of those target non-profits, and which companies could in the future begin to offer competing services. Your strategy also must determine how you will become the consultant of choice. What will you do so that your targeted customers choose you over everyone else? Are you going to offer the lowest fees? Will you offer a guarantee? Will you hire the very best people and build a reputation for delivering the most innovative solutions? If you decide to compete on lowest billing rates, what will you do if a competing consulting firm drops their rates below yours? If you decide to hire the best people, how will you attract them? Will you pay the highest salaries in a four-state area, give each employee an ownership position in the company, or pay annual retention bonuses? Your strategy must consider all these issues and find a solution that works and that is true to your vision. Tactics Your tactics are the spe cific actions, sequences of actions, and schedules you will use to fulfill your strategy. If you have more than one strategy, you will have different tactics for each. A strategy to be the most well-known management consultant, as part of your vision to be the management consultant of choice for non-profit organizations in the Southwest might involve tactics like advertising in theSouthwest Non-Profits Quarterly Newsletterfor three successive issues, advertising in the three largest-circulation newspapers in the Southwest for the next six months, and buying TV time monthly on every major-market TV station in the southwest to promote your services. Or it might involve sending a letter of introduction and a brochure to the Executive Director of every non-profit organization in the Southwest with an annual budget of over $500,000. Firm or Flexible? Things change. You need to change with them, or ahead of them. However, with respect to vision, strategy, and tactics, you need some f lexibility and some firmness. Hold to your dream, your vision. Dont let that be buffeted by the winds of change. Your vision should be the anchor that holds all the rest together. Strategyis a long-term plan, so it may need to change in response to internal or external changes, but strategy changes should only happen with considerable thought. Changes to strategy also should not happen until you have a new one to replace the old one. Tactics are the most flexible. If some tactic isnt working, adjust it and try again. Manage This Issue Whether for one department or the entire company, for a multi-national corporation or a one-person company, vision, strategy, and tactics are essential. Develop the vision first and hold to it. Develop a strategy to achieve your vision and change it as you haveto meet internal or external changes. Develop flexible tactics that can move you toward fulfilling your strategy.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
This Austrian city was just named the worlds most liveable city
This Austrian city was just named the worlds most liveable cityThis Austrian city was just named the worlds most liveable cityIf youve been thinking about abandoning your urban dwelling for greener pastures (and a better quality of life), its time to pack those bags and head for Central Europe.TheEconomist Intelligence Unitreleases the Global Liveability Index annually, and for the past seven years, Melbourne, Australia has easily swiped the top spot away from competing locales. But 2018 is proving to be the year of change - Vienna, Austria just stole that number one seat from the beloved Aussie city, and for good reasons. The Austrian capitalreceived a near-perfect score of 99.1 out of 100after being evaluated on criteria like stability, health care and the environment. Melbourne then trailed behind in second place, followed by Osaka, Japan in third place.Canada and Australia claimed six of the top 10 spots in the index, which suggests that they know something about living well tha t the rest of us have yet to learn. And interestingly enough, major destinations like London, England (48th) and New York City (57th) didnt even come close to cracking the top 10, due to their struggles with crime and public transportation catering to their massive populations. In fact, the United States didnt hit the top 10 at all. Honolulu, Hawaii got the closest with 23rd place.Below are the rankings for the 10 most liveable cities, followed by the 10 least liveable cities.The 10 most liveable cities1. Vienna, Austria2. Melbourne, Australia3. Osaka, Japan4. Calgary, Canada5. Sydney, Australia6. Vancouver, Canada7. Toronto, Canada (tie)7. Tokyo, Japan (tie)9. Copenhagen, Denmark10. Adelaide, AustraliaThe 10 least liveable cities1. Damascus, Syria2. Dhaka, Bangladesh3. Lagos, Nigeria4. Karachi, Pakistan5. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea6. Harare, Zimbabwe7. Tripoli, Libya8. Douala, Cameroon9. Algiers, Algeria10. Dakar, SenegalAcross the board, the liveability indexevaluated 140 urba n centers on 30 different criteriarelated to safety, health care, educational resources, infrastructure and the environment. The general trends in this years report revealed thatmid-sized cities in wealthier countries seem to fare the best. The manageable population density makes it mora likely that the citys infrastructure can properly serve its residents, and the financial status tends to ward off social instability and troublesome crime rates.To view the rankings in full,check out the 2018Global Liveability Index here.Thispostwas originally published onSwirled.comin the Thrive section, which covers valuable career and personal finance content for Millennials.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Here are 5 tips for getting out of mental health traps
Here are 5 tips for getting out of mental health trapsHere are 5 tips for getting out of mental health trapsThere are certain mindsets every founder has to actively work to avoid, like pressuring yourself to personally touch every project, believing you have to be killing it at all times when youre talking about your company to others, and feeling like you can never rest. Ive personally made all 3 of these mistakes (and every other mistake youll see here), and each one can really take its toll.Looking back, its easy to say I shouldnt have made these mistakes, but when you are in the thick of it all, its all too easy to fall into one of these traps.Here are five of the fruchtwein dangerous mental traps Ive fallen into - so learn from them1. Saying, Ill just do it, if you see a teammate moving too slowly and you feel like you can do the work faster yourself.This is the mistake I find myself making most often.Its especially prevalent among founders of early-stage startups, in those sit uations when youve hired a new team member to take over some part of your job for you. The truth is, a new hire will need time to ramp up, to learn the job - and of course, during that learning period, they wont be able to complete the tasks you used to do as fast as you can.But that doesnt matter. Taking over their workload is the opposite of what you want to do, because it will prevent them from ever being able to run their domain autonomously. That will, in turn, prevent you from ever being able to scale your company.And itll have other side effects, too. Stepping on your new teammates toes damages their morale - especially if theyre already suffering from a bit of Imposter Syndrome. And it wastes money in opportunity cost, mostly in the long run.Let your new hires struggle so they grow - at least for the first few weeks.2. Measuring hours, not progressIn the startup world, its annoyingly common to overhear people bragging about how often they get to the office early or stay t here late.That literally means nothing.Unlike in Corporate America, that facetime doesnt matter here. All that matters is progress.Heres what Ive learned I would rather have my team sleep later and leave earlier if that means they are sharper and more productive when theyre in the office. What matters are deliverables. To measure someones contribution to a growing company or cause, you need only look at things likeWhat they accomplishIf they hit roadmap goals or deadlinesIf theyre a reliable and respected team memberOf course, founders often behave in ways which prop up this fallacy, too. I try and avoid doing that by creating daily checklists for myself, and measuring my day in accordance with what manageable tasks Ive accomplished or made progress on during the day.Ultimately, being goal-oriented - as opposed to hours-oriented - is how you align conceptions of productivity with success, for both yourself and your team.3. Feeling like you cant take a breakMany founders routinely push themselves to the point of exhaustion in running their company - mentally sprinting 18 straight hours a day, never allowing themselves to stop, sleep, or take a vacation. They feel its what they need to do. Ive even seen founders post about their work ethic on Instagram or Twitter as a way to get some social validation that what they are doing is extra-ordinary. Nothing gives you motivation these days like that late night like or retweet.But in reality, thats unproductive. Burning yourself out makes you less effective. The startup life is a marathon - not a sprint. And despite some of the very strange and very brilliant people youll meet along the way, we arent all robots (or cyborgs)yet.If you find yourself constantly inundated with tasks or action items that seem to force you to work without ever taking a break, take a step back and reflect. Often, youll find that youre taking longer than you likely need completing certain tasks because you areDistracted (not all emails nee d to be answered right away)Mismanaging your timeNot giving yourself enough deep work timeIts about being purposeful. The old adage really does ring true work smarter, not harder.That also means allowing yourself to take breaks.4. Trying to be the cool bossTheres a fine line between being the boss and being a friend. When youre running an early-stage startup - beholden to your team, investors, and to yourself - its always better to be the former.That means, essentially, being (painfully) honest in your constructive criticism and coaching.Its good to be friendly, but feigning honesty will have drastic consequences, both personally and company-wide. Among other things, it willPromote an overtly political company atmosphere in which your team is competing not to be productive or valuable, but to be a member of some founder inner circle.Eat away at you personally, since the problems you fail to call out are never being remedied. This will eventually cause you to resent that person to the point of wanting to fire them.Cripple your product, since the feedback loop is broken.Prevent your company culture from growing into one of honesty, transparency and constant feedback, which is what you need.When you need to have hard conversations, just rip the band-aid off. Be direct and say what you need to say. Its the only way things will improve. And, truly, as long as you remain professional with your feedback, nobody will fault you.The truth is, your team will - and should - fault you if youre not doing your job.5. Thinking you need to tell everybody things are going great all the timeFounders might be more guilty of this mental trap than any of the others. Talk to a friend or colleague whos starting a company right now, and ask them how its going. 99% of the time, youll hear Its going great.Not only is this often dishonest, but it has other unforeseen consequences, too. It canPiss people off, since most of the time it comes off as disingenuous or as you stroking your own ego.Preclude you from receiving what might be very valuable advice or help, since those who could give it to you wont think you need it.Decrease your credibility - especially after people find out things actually arent going great, even though you told them the opposite just a short while ago.Personally, I push myself - at this stage in my career - to be completely honest when answering this question. You know what?Sh-ts hard right now. Saying that to people at the very least is honest, and better yet, might help me form bonds with others whove gone through the same struggle.At the end of the day, everyone involved in the startup grind makes mistakes.Thats to be expected. Whats important is that you dont make the mistakes you can avoid.That starts with avoiding these mental traps.This article was originally published on Quora.
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